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TA-10 Class-T Stereo Audio Amplifier (Editors Review)

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Editors Reviews | Users Reviews

Trends TA-10 Class-T Stereo Amplifier
2013-07-11 Image Su Kah Bin at “... it is really a MUST buy”
2013-06-17 Image Emidio Frattaroli at “...l'ottima fama dei migliori amplificatori basati sull'integrato Tripath TA2024”
2013-01-12 Image Editor at “... Compact design & big sound”
2012-12-14 Image Editor at “... the speakers leave one satisfied in almost every sphere.”
2012-11-30 Image 野村at “... very energetic, dynamic feel to the music”
2012-10-04 Image Alfredo Di Pietro at "... Honor and glory to the Trends Audio TA 10”
2012-05-11 Image Gerard Rejskind in UHF High Fidelity Magazine Canada “…a stupendous value. It sits tall in the saddle”
2012-02-02 Image Marko at in Croatia “…. by far the best amp in this test”
2011-12-07 Image Pavel Víšek at Stereo & Video in Czech Republic “…. the sound is dynamic and detailed, the amplifier is "a nice listen"
2011-11-02 Image Roel Van Nunen at "... it’s a Price/Quality winner!"
2011-09-01 Image Adam LaBarge at in U.S.A “….. we’d absolutely recommend the T-10.2 amplifier”
2011-07-04 Image Christiaan Punter at “….it was easily the one that surprised me most.”
2011-06-24 Image Laurent Thorin at Haute Fidélité Magazine in France “haut comme trois pommes...”
2011-06-03 Image Alfredo Di Pietro at in Italy “…. eccelle in lucidità, grazia, vitalità ritmico-dinamica, timing e analiticità, dimostrando di essere un'impagabile cerniera che riconcilierà portafogli e voglia di suono Hi End ”
2011-05-18 Image John Darko at "... Every hifi lover should own one. "
2011-04-21 Image Wojciech Pacula in High Fidelity Magazine Poland “…. ability to build the depth of the soundstage was surprisingly good.”
2010-10-13 Image Rolf Winter at in Germany "...Dann allerdings kann der TA-10.2,, sehrsehr gut"(Jogi Low) klingen - nicht nur fur seine 230 Euro, sondern fur einen HiFi-Verstarker"
2010-09-20 Image 編輯,《壹週刊》 “機身只得手掌般大,比一般擴音機細一大截,即使「推」座地喇叭,依然有心有力…”
2010-05-14 Image Theo Tap Chí Nghe Nhìn at "" Trends TA-10.2…. The magic box "
2010-05-11 Image Korean Version at “Cheap & Cheerful But Champions”
2010-05-04 Image Andre Marc at "Trends TA-10.2 for iPod or iPhone...real sound staging, midrange clarity and jump factor"
2010-04-15 Image Joel Chevassus at, "TA-10.2 definitely make great sound...completely change the naure of a basic hifi."
2010-03-05 Image Mr. Park Sung Soo (박성수), Audio Magazine in South Korea “Trends TA-10,호가를 겨냥한 보급형 앰프라고 해야 하 겠지만”
2010-02-17 Image Marc Philip, in Canada “Le prix : 189$, c’est un « Best buy 2010 >> !
2010-01-12 Image Kevin Hunt at “Mini Amplifier: Classy Sound, Sensible Price…”
2009-12-01 Image 劉子聰, 《AV雙周 》 "慳位慳電小霸王……"
2009-10-19 Image Florent GALLI, in France "vous aurez pour 80 fois moins, 80% du son de mon système de référence, ce qui est un exploit."
2009-10-19 Image Florent GALLI , in English "you will have 80% of my reference system for 80 times minus in terms of cost !"
2009-10-15 Image Joel Kopping, Audio Video Magazine in South Africa "well priced, delivers good sound and is powerful enough to deliver music"
2009-10-15 Image Joel Kopping, Audio Video Magazine in South Africa "well priced, delivers good sound and is powerful enough to deliver music"
2009-09-15 Image Jeff Dorgay, TONE Audio Magazine "Why not hook up a $189 dollar amplifier to a six-figure system? Very big sound in that small box"
2009-08-15 Image Astor Ng, AVMagazine "Trends TA-10.1 Class T合併擴音機, 掌上明珠…"
2009-08-06 Image Andrew Marshall, "...had more oomph and tightness in the bass in this configuration"
2009-05-18 Image Thomas Odeltorp, Hifi & Muski Magazine in Swedish "Trends have a lovely attitude to the music, by its relaxed style of reproduction."
2009-05-18 Image Thomas Odeltorp, Hifi & Muski Magazine in Swedish "Trends have a lovely attitude to the music, by its relaxed style of reproduction."
2009-05-18 Image Thomas Odeltorp, Hifi & Muski Magazine in Swedish "Trends have a lovely attitude to the music, by its relaxed style of reproduction."
2009-05-15 Image Astor Ng, AVMagazine "Trends TA-10.1 Class T合併式擴音機, 外形的骰有型…"
2009-01-19 Image Florent GALLI , in English "This amplifier gets our highest award and provided its ridiculous price, maybe even more"
2009-01-19 Image Florent GALLI, in France "Cet amplificateur m?rite notre plus haute r?compense. Surtout compte tenu de son prix (aussi petit que sa taille), il m?riterait presque encore mieux!..."
2009-01-01 Image Von Cai Brockmann at image hifi in Germany ".....Audiophiler Bonsai-Alarm: So klein, und doch voll bei der Musik ! "
2008-11-15 Image Wilson, New Audiophile Magazine "Trends TA-10.1最讓人讚賞的表現應該是自然而充足的泛音,還是聆聽朗朗演奏的鋼琴,.."
2008-09-18 Image Audio Editor, Hxos magazine "Trends TA-10.1 is the best Class T-amp in the market."
2008-09-18 Image Michael S Jensen, "Trends TA-10.1 er testet meget positivt mange steder og er allerede ved at blive en legende i HIFI kredse verden over"
2008-09-09 Image Leo Yeh, "【擴大機】不可思議!Trends Audio TA-10.1…"
2008-08-05 Image Editor at Homevision in Germany "... So winzig der TA-10.1 daherkommt, ist er doch ein fast ausgewachsener Vollverstärker. ‚Fast‘
2008-06-18 Image June 2008 AudioVideoFoto-Bild, . "Trends TA-10.1 ha dimensioni, potenza e funzioni limitate. Costa poco, ma promette un suono da fuoriclasse"
2008-06-15 Image Ralph Werner, in German "bietet der TA-10.1 einen sehr hohen Gegenwert f?rs Geld.. ."
2008-06-15 Image Ralph Werner, in English "Trends TA-10.1 offers screaming value for the money"
2008-05-15 Image Audio Editor, STEREO & VIDEO at "Усилитель составит отличный тандем любой высокочувствительной акустике, но даже с АС средней чувствительности результат может превзойти ваши ожидания.."
2008-05-11 Image Campbell Simpson, "Trends TA-10.1 provides more than enough power for energetic music playback"
2008-03-14 Image Michael Bockhorst, "Schon der TA-10.1 ist ein Produkt, welches nahezu perfekt ist"
2008-01-15 Image Thossaphol Wongvibulsin, "ตา หรือว่าขนาด ไม่มีใครคาดคิดว่าจะให้เสียงที่ดีได้ แต่จากการทดสอบแล้วฟังเทียบกับหลายๆชุด หากเอาผ้ามาคลุมแอมป์ แล้วเปิดให้คนในวงการฟัง อาจจะตีราคามันสูงกว่าค่าตัวมันไปเป็น 5-10 เท่าก็ได้…"
2007-12-28 Image Ron de Ridder, "versterkers zijn die het beter doen dan de TA-10 maar in deze prijscategorie durf ik bijna te zeggen dat dit het beste is dat je kunt krijgen"
2007-12-23 Image Martin H. Sabag , אותו ניקיון בצליל, עם רקע שחור וכהה. אותו פירוט אינסופי עם במה רחבה ואימאג´ינג חד ומדוייק. שליטה מדוייקת ברמקול ובבאס*
2007-11-15 Image Steven R. Rochlin at “…produce an airy, bright, sparkling, clear, tone rich, natural and full of life. Shore up the bottom with powerful self-powered subwoofer(s) and explore the world of audio on the cheap”
2007-10-05 Image Todd Arthur, "I preferred the higher quality fit and finish and the more holographic imaging of Trends TA-10.1"
2007-08-15 Image Edgar Kramer, Sound & Image Magazine "Small but powerful, Trends TA-10 is the Napoleon Bonaparte of amplification"
2007-08-08 Image Laurent Thorin, Haute Fidelite magazine "Le Trends TA-10.1 est donc une petite machine tres ludique qul vous depannera avec brio"
2007-07-28 Image Ghislain Prugnard, Prestige Audio Video Magazine "Maise le TA-10 est incontestablement musical.."
2007-07-28 Image Ghislain Prugnard, Prestige Audio Video Magazine "Maise le TA-10 est incontestablement musical"
2007-07-18 Image Michael Madsen, High Fidelity Magazine "Trends Audio TA-10.1 er et overraskende interessant produkt, der er i stand til at levere en fremragende lydkvalitet"
2007-07-17 Image Emidio Frattaroli, "del piccolo, meraviglioso Trends Audio TA-10.1"
2007-07-15 Image A. Colin Flood, "Good things come in small packages... is an excellent value in the right situations."
2007-07-15 Image Lucio Cadeddu, ! "this amplifier can be the heart of any high-end system...Recommended? No, you simply must have one"
2007-07-15 Image Lucio Cadeddu, ! (Italian version) "Raccomandato? No, semplicemente dovete possederne uno"
2007-06-14 Image Stephen Mejias, Review 2 "The little Trends amp surprised the hell out of me"
2007-05-29 Image Stephen Mejias, Review 1 "Trends wants to attract more youngsters to join into the Hi-Fi field, then, again, I'm with Trends"
2007-05-28 Image Sasa Danicic, HiFi Cafe, Review 2 "Absolutely, Trends is one of the best Class T-amp in the market"
2007-05-25 Image Sasa Danicic, HiFi Cafe, Review 1 "Trends TA-10.1 is the revolution Hi-Fi product with affordable price !"
2007-05-24 Image John Sunier, "The Trend was very clean and natural sounding."
2007-05-01 Image Roger Kanno, "a taste of the high end, and at a ridiculously low price..."
2007-04-04 Image James L. Darby at “Congratulations ! As winner of the INTEGRATED AMP shootout The TRENDS MICRO TA 10.1 is awarded our 'MAXIMUM MOJO AWARD”
2007-03-15 Image Paul Szabady, "Making High Resolution Available to Everyone"
2007-02-18 Image Michael Mardis, "the amp sounds very good, big and bold..."
2007-02-15 Image David Kan, "Blue Moon Award for demystifying the high-end halo and bringing music back to earth... "
2006-12-22 Image Steven R. Rochlin at “A fun 'toy' for your audiophile to enjoy all year long”

Trends Hi-Fi Systems
Image 音響專家劉達仁,《電腦廣場PC Market 》 “Trends Combo One小巧, 將發燒Hi-Fi設計, 融入掌上型機體”