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Editors Review

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Trends Hi-Fi Systems
2017-11-14 Image Dr. Richard Varey at in New Zealand "..The Teeny Tiny Amps That Can Power A Tower!"
2012-07-31 Image Editor at 《AV Magazine》 "Trends Audio掀起細機熱...."
2012-07-31 Image Editor at 《AV Magazine》 "Trends Audio掀起細機熱...."
2012-06-01 Image Editor at 《AV Magazine》 “... 了解自已需要最緊要”
2012-05-02 Image 林樂騫, 《AV雙周 》 “Trends TS-10羽量級音響組合處處迎合用家需要的設計”
2012-04-05 Image John Chan at 《AV Magazine》 “…Trends Audio TS-10靚聲發燒小組合”
2012-03-09 Image Andre Marc at “giant killer” speaker cables
2011-12-28 Image John Darko at in Austrailia "...this package system will still sound seriously forthright"
2011-05-13 Image Wojciech Pacula at High Fidelity Magazine in Poland “…. It is worth to listen to them, BUDOWA ”
2011-02-18 Image 音響專家小武,《AV Magazine 》 “….. 三合一Trends Combo One,…令整首歌的氣氛完全改變”
2010-12-02 Image Steven R. Rochlin at in English “Trends Combo One Hi-Fi System - Great Audiophile Gifts For 2010!”
2010-07-02 Image Marc Philip at "…Le prix : 630$, c’est un second <>”
2010-07-02 Image Marc Philip at in English "…suggest to anyone with a modest budget who wants to buy a sound system of audiophile quality worthy of the name”
2010-06-09 Image Andre Marc at "... I was certainly enjoying it.”
2010-05-24 Image Florent GALLI, in English “A trio to be recommended without any doubt… “
2010-05-24 Image Florent GALLI, in French “Un trio à recommander….”
2010-03-24 Image 音響專家劉達仁,《電腦廣場PC Market 》 “Trends Combo One小巧, 將發燒Hi-Fi設計, 融入掌上型機體”
2010-02-05 Image Rolf-inge Danielsen, Fidelity Hi-Fi Magazine in Norway “Trends som i tillegg til å være rimelige og kompakte også låter godt !”
2009-11-15 Image Roger Kanno, "comprise a good-sounding, compact tube-and-solid-state amplification system"
2009-10-15 Image Nick Whetstone, in English "Power to the Trends micro system.."
2009-09-15 Image Ljubisa Miodragovic, Hi-Files Magazine "- Kvalitetna mehanička izrada (važi i za TA-10.2P)."

Trends Bi-amp Audio Systems
2013-12-24 Image A. Colin Flood at “…earns five Blue Notes as being the best Value for the Money”
2013-06-10 Image Andrew Everard at Gramophone “... this system as attractive as it is intriguing”
2013-05-23 Image Editor at 《AV Magazine》 “... 試問在這個價位的微型音響中,有哪一部可以bi-amp?"
2013-03-05 Image Andrew Everard at "Trends Audio BA-10: real hi-fi…”
2012-07-31 Image Editor at 《AV Magazine》 "Trends Audio掀起細機熱...."
2012-07-31 Image Editor at 《AV Magazine》 "Trends Audio掀起細機熱...."
2012-07-27 Image Richard Austen at “As a system, the Trends BA-10 Bi-amp Audio System is deceptive…”

Trends Audio / Video Cable
2013-10-10 Image AV Magazine “…伴奏和背景音樂表現喜出望外”
2013-09-05 Image AV Magazine “... 性價比相當高,絕對是不容錯失的”.
2012-08-24 Image Richard Austen at “…very high praise as cable giant killers”
2012-08-23 Image Andre Marc “….it may have spoiled me for any future “giant killer” speaker cables.”

Trends PA-10 Headphone/Pre Amplifier
2013-10-01 Image Marcus Downey at “…pretty robust and durable”
2013-08-26 Image Paul Dmitryev at “... a very good choice.”
2013-04-11 Image Fabio Barbato at “... The listening experience has been very pleasant.”
2013-02-22 Image Yago at “... with good sound and all at a price (265 euros) "affordable"”
2012-12-18 Image 野村at "... want to enjoy better sound”"
2012-07-03 Image S. Andrea Sundaram at “…. flexibility, combined with well-executed circuitry and very respectable build quality”
2012-03-16 Image Lieven Vranken at “…the sound stage is very spacious, transparent and airy and you get a very clean sound”
2012-02-14 Image John Alex Hvidlykke on Gear Magazine in Denmark "... Trends Audio PA-10.1D is an amazing little amp that's perfect for the office facility”
2012-01-05 Image Nick Whetstone at “…. I would say that it is worth spending the extra money for it.”
2011-10-15 Image Greg May at “…. . "'s hard to ar­gue with two in­puts in a tube amp for un­der $300"
2011-04-20 Image Gerard Rejskind in UHF High Fidelity Magazine Canada “…. with solid percussion and rich cellos and double basses.”
2010-10-27 Image Martin H. Sabag at in Hebrew "צליל: גבוהים, נמוכים, הפרדה, נקיון ועוצמת הווליום. הצליל חם יותר ונעים יותר לשמיעה
2010-10-27 Image Martin H. Sabag at in English " Warmer sound more pleasant to hear...."
2010-08-10 Image 梁淑欣 at《AV雙周 》 “膽耳擴從基本玩起 Play from Basic…”
2010-05-29 Image Nick Douris at “Trends PA-10, Tremendous value-for-money…“
2010-03-22 Image Bohus Blahut, in U.S.A “The PA-10 brought a dramatic difference…”
2010-03-06 Image Matej Isak, in Austria/Slovenia “Trends Audio PA-10 is a mighty machine.With it's open, dynamic and involving character it will give hours of listening fun”
2010-02-05 Image Rolf-inge Danielsen, Fidelity Hi-Fi Magazine in Norway “Trends som i tillegg til å være rimelige og kompakte også låter godt !”
2010-01-29 Image 音響專家Kan Keung, 《e-Zone 》 ““iPod 膽機聽得很Classic…Trends Audio PA-10膽細聲大”
2010-01-27 Image 音響專家劉達仁,《電腦廣場PC Market 》 “Trends PA-10膽色….讓擴音機本身多了一份發燒味道”
2010-01-20 Image Andre Marc at “…the sound was very enjoyable…The PA-10 is offers users on a budget a fun and versatile piece of equipment”
2010-01-18 Image Korean Version at “a micro-system of separates, it should certainly be something to consider…”
2009-12-01 Image Steve Hui, Apple Daily Newspaper, "發燒音響, iPhone膽味濃…"
2009-11-15 Image Roger Kanno,, "I heard the same bold, luxurious sound when... plugged into the PA-10 SE's headphone jack."
2009-11-08 Image Eitan Abar at " הסט נשמע טוב ואף יותר מכך. לא אכחיש שעבר אצלי ציוד יקר שאליו פחות התחברתי.כמו כן "
2009-10-18 Image Vincent Caponi at "Trends PA-10 Tube Preamp is an affordable and compact hybrid Swiss army knife type of preamp. "
2009-10-15 Image Nick Whetstone, in English "It surprised me a little just how much improvement the change of valve made."
2009-10-15 Image Astor Ng, AVMagazine "外形小巧得如手掌般大小…"
2009-10-06 Image Florent GALLI , in English "PA-10 is a surprise. It is so brillant that you can challenge all the great preamplifiers."
2009-10-06 Image Florent GALLI, in France "et bien c'est vraiment une surprise. Il est presque aussi doué que la plupart des grands préamplificateurs du marché actuel…"
2009-09-15 Image Richard Austen, "I would say this is a good decision in a headphone system."
2009-09-15 Image Ljubisa Miodragovic, Hi-Files Magazine "Hrabra ideja.Dinamika. Prilično čista zvučna slika…"
2009-07-15 Image Astor Ng, AVMagazine "震音能完完全全清楚感受到,整體上三度空間感更大,而人聲同樣相當突出.."
2009-06-15 Image Todd Arthur, "…the most economical way to enter the world of true high fidelity headphone system"
2009-06-08 Image Stuart Andrews at "the price/performance ratio on the PA-10 is hard to beat. "
2009-03-15 Image Ghislain Prugnard at French What Hi Fi Magazine "C'est certainement un des meilleurs amplificateurs pour casque que nous ayons ecoutes ces demiers mois.."
2009-02-15 Image Nick Whetstone, in Italian "PA-10 è dunque promosso…"
2009-02-15 Image Nick Whetstone, in Englsh "it's a thumbs up for the PA-10"

Trends TA-10 Class-T Stereo Amplifier
2013-07-11 Image Su Kah Bin at “... it is really a MUST buy”
2013-06-17 Image Emidio Frattaroli at “...l'ottima fama dei migliori amplificatori basati sull'integrato Tripath TA2024”
2013-01-12 Image Editor at “... Compact design & big sound”
2012-12-14 Image Editor at “... the speakers leave one satisfied in almost every sphere.”
2012-11-30 Image 野村at “... very energetic, dynamic feel to the music”
2012-10-04 Image Alfredo Di Pietro at "... Honor and glory to the Trends Audio TA 10”
2012-05-11 Image Gerard Rejskind in UHF High Fidelity Magazine Canada “…a stupendous value. It sits tall in the saddle”
2012-02-02 Image Marko at in Croatia “…. by far the best amp in this test”
2011-12-07 Image Pavel Víšek at Stereo & Video in Czech Republic “…. the sound is dynamic and detailed, the amplifier is "a nice listen"
2011-11-02 Image Roel Van Nunen at "... it’s a Price/Quality winner!"
2011-09-01 Image Adam LaBarge at in U.S.A “….. we’d absolutely recommend the T-10.2 amplifier”
2011-07-04 Image Christiaan Punter at “….it was easily the one that surprised me most.”
2011-06-24 Image Laurent Thorin at Haute Fidélité Magazine in France “haut comme trois pommes...”
2011-06-03 Image Alfredo Di Pietro at in Italy “…. eccelle in lucidità, grazia, vitalità ritmico-dinamica, timing e analiticità, dimostrando di essere un'impagabile cerniera che riconcilierà portafogli e voglia di suono Hi End ”
2011-05-18 Image John Darko at "... Every hifi lover should own one. "
2011-04-21 Image Wojciech Pacula in High Fidelity Magazine Poland “…. ability to build the depth of the soundstage was surprisingly good.”
2010-10-13 Image Rolf Winter at in Germany "...Dann allerdings kann der TA-10.2,, sehrsehr gut"(Jogi Low) klingen - nicht nur fur seine 230 Euro, sondern fur einen HiFi-Verstarker"
2010-09-20 Image 編輯,《壹週刊》 “機身只得手掌般大,比一般擴音機細一大截,即使「推」座地喇叭,依然有心有力…”
2010-05-14 Image Theo Tap Chí Nghe Nhìn at "" Trends TA-10.2…. The magic box "
2010-05-11 Image Korean Version at “Cheap & Cheerful But Champions”
2010-05-04 Image Andre Marc at "Trends TA-10.2 for iPod or iPhone...real sound staging, midrange clarity and jump factor"
2010-04-15 Image Joel Chevassus at, "TA-10.2 definitely make great sound...completely change the naure of a basic hifi."
2010-03-05 Image Mr. Park Sung Soo (박성수), Audio Magazine in South Korea “Trends TA-10,호가를 겨냥한 보급형 앰프라고 해야 하 겠지만”
2010-02-17 Image Marc Philip, in Canada “Le prix : 189$, c’est un « Best buy 2010 >> !
2010-01-12 Image Kevin Hunt at “Mini Amplifier: Classy Sound, Sensible Price…”
2009-12-01 Image 劉子聰, 《AV雙周 》 "慳位慳電小霸王……"
2009-10-19 Image Florent GALLI, in France "vous aurez pour 80 fois moins, 80% du son de mon système de référence, ce qui est un exploit."
2009-10-19 Image Florent GALLI , in English "you will have 80% of my reference system for 80 times minus in terms of cost !"
2009-10-15 Image Joel Kopping, Audio Video Magazine in South Africa "well priced, delivers good sound and is powerful enough to deliver music"
2009-10-15 Image Joel Kopping, Audio Video Magazine in South Africa "well priced, delivers good sound and is powerful enough to deliver music"
2009-09-15 Image Jeff Dorgay, TONE Audio Magazine "Why not hook up a $189 dollar amplifier to a six-figure system? Very big sound in that small box"
2009-08-15 Image Astor Ng, AVMagazine "Trends TA-10.1 Class T合併擴音機, 掌上明珠…"
2009-08-06 Image Andrew Marshall, "...had more oomph and tightness in the bass in this configuration"
2009-05-18 Image Thomas Odeltorp, Hifi & Muski Magazine in Swedish "Trends have a lovely attitude to the music, by its relaxed style of reproduction."
2009-05-18 Image Thomas Odeltorp, Hifi & Muski Magazine in Swedish "Trends have a lovely attitude to the music, by its relaxed style of reproduction."
2009-05-18 Image Thomas Odeltorp, Hifi & Muski Magazine in Swedish "Trends have a lovely attitude to the music, by its relaxed style of reproduction."
2009-05-15 Image Astor Ng, AVMagazine "Trends TA-10.1 Class T合併式擴音機, 外形的骰有型…"
2009-01-19 Image Florent GALLI , in English "This amplifier gets our highest award and provided its ridiculous price, maybe even more"
2009-01-19 Image Florent GALLI, in France "Cet amplificateur m?rite notre plus haute r?compense. Surtout compte tenu de son prix (aussi petit que sa taille), il m?riterait presque encore mieux!..."
2009-01-01 Image Von Cai Brockmann at image hifi in Germany ".....Audiophiler Bonsai-Alarm: So klein, und doch voll bei der Musik ! "
2008-11-15 Image Wilson, New Audiophile Magazine "Trends TA-10.1最讓人讚賞的表現應該是自然而充足的泛音,還是聆聽朗朗演奏的鋼琴,.."
2008-09-18 Image Audio Editor, Hxos magazine "Trends TA-10.1 is the best Class T-amp in the market."
2008-09-18 Image Michael S Jensen, "Trends TA-10.1 er testet meget positivt mange steder og er allerede ved at blive en legende i HIFI kredse verden over"
2008-09-09 Image Leo Yeh, "【擴大機】不可思議!Trends Audio TA-10.1…"
2008-08-05 Image Editor at Homevision in Germany "... So winzig der TA-10.1 daherkommt, ist er doch ein fast ausgewachsener Vollverstärker. ‚Fast‘
2008-06-18 Image June 2008 AudioVideoFoto-Bild, . "Trends TA-10.1 ha dimensioni, potenza e funzioni limitate. Costa poco, ma promette un suono da fuoriclasse"
2008-06-15 Image Ralph Werner, in German "bietet der TA-10.1 einen sehr hohen Gegenwert f?rs Geld.. ."
2008-06-15 Image Ralph Werner, in English "Trends TA-10.1 offers screaming value for the money"
2008-05-15 Image Audio Editor, STEREO & VIDEO at "Усилитель составит отличный тандем любой высокочувствительной акустике, но даже с АС средней чувствительности результат может превзойти ваши ожидания.."
2008-05-11 Image Campbell Simpson, "Trends TA-10.1 provides more than enough power for energetic music playback"
2008-03-14 Image Michael Bockhorst, "Schon der TA-10.1 ist ein Produkt, welches nahezu perfekt ist"
2008-01-15 Image Thossaphol Wongvibulsin, "ตา หรือว่าขนาด ไม่มีใครคาดคิดว่าจะให้เสียงที่ดีได้ แต่จากการทดสอบแล้วฟังเทียบกับหลายๆชุด หากเอาผ้ามาคลุมแอมป์ แล้วเปิดให้คนในวงการฟัง อาจจะตีราคามันสูงกว่าค่าตัวมันไปเป็น 5-10 เท่าก็ได้…"
2007-12-28 Image Ron de Ridder, "versterkers zijn die het beter doen dan de TA-10 maar in deze prijscategorie durf ik bijna te zeggen dat dit het beste is dat je kunt krijgen"
2007-12-23 Image Martin H. Sabag , אותו ניקיון בצליל, עם רקע שחור וכהה. אותו פירוט אינסופי עם במה רחבה ואימאג´ינג חד ומדוייק. שליטה מדוייקת ברמקול ובבאס*
2007-11-15 Image Steven R. Rochlin at “…produce an airy, bright, sparkling, clear, tone rich, natural and full of life. Shore up the bottom with powerful self-powered subwoofer(s) and explore the world of audio on the cheap”
2007-10-05 Image Todd Arthur, "I preferred the higher quality fit and finish and the more holographic imaging of Trends TA-10.1"
2007-08-15 Image Edgar Kramer, Sound & Image Magazine "Small but powerful, Trends TA-10 is the Napoleon Bonaparte of amplification"
2007-08-08 Image Laurent Thorin, Haute Fidelite magazine "Le Trends TA-10.1 est donc une petite machine tres ludique qul vous depannera avec brio"


Trends PW-10 PSU
2012-09-24 Image David Kan at “…. most noticeable with piano and percussion”
2010-07-14 Image Nick Whetstone at "…is complete a system for those that like everything matching”
2010-04-13 Image Florent GALLI , in English “Multiple AC, support all the TRENDS products line with one box and excellent voices”
2010-04-13 Image Florent GALLI , in French “Multiple AC, supporte tous les produits de TRENDS and voix excellentes”

Trends Loudspeaker
2012-05-04 Image Nick Whetstone at “…I give the SA-10's a strong recommendation”
2012-02-24 Image Andre Marc at “….SA-10 speakers are a great little find”
2012-01-26 Image 林樂騫, 《AV雙周 》 “…. 入門級別的雙聲道揚聲器,SA-1絕對是考慮之列。”
2011-12-16 Image Tom Andry at ".... affordable step into high-end audio!"

Trends Desktop Hi-Fi Systems
2011-12-28 Image John Darko at in Austrailia "... this package system will still sound seriously forthright"
2010-12-15 Image CAS音響發燒《AV雙周 》 “…. Trends Combo10組件齊備,實用及擴充性相對較高。”
2010-12-15 Image CAS音響發燒《AV雙周 》 “低頻澎湃,高音的笛子聲清脆…”
2010-12-15 Image CAS音響發燒《AV雙周 》 “《十八般武藝》起始時的中樂聲很結實…人聲表現最突出.”
2010-11-02 Image Christian Rechenbach at Einsnull in Germany "...Sie suchen die kleine Einsteigerlösung, um vom PC Musik für die Anlage aufzubereiten? Oder zum Mitnehmen für Kopfhörer oder Miniverstärker? Bitte schön, hiermit haben Sie eine!"
2010-09-22 Image Andre Marc at “I had so much fun with the Trends combo, it almost seems to good to be true.”
2010-07-28 Image 戴名揚 at《AV雙周 》 "這套組合展現出理想的音色,最適合放在房間接駁電腦,聽歌打機兩相宜….”
2010-01-11 Image 小武 at《AV Magazine》 "TA-10.2P後級及UD-10.1 USB音頻轉換器, 外形依然以細小體積示人,而價錢…”
2009-12-31 Image James Vesey, Gramophone. Read the review “I enjoyed my time with these compact, affordable products from Trends Audio…”
2009-09-15 Image Richard Austen, "The combination offers quick transients, nice dynamic range, and a crisp clear open presentation favouring the midrange"
2009-03-15 Image Editor, HIGH END 2009 in Germany "High end but not high priced audio products"
2008-12-15 Image Dan Frakes , Macworld Magazine "Getting high-quality digital audio out of your Mac is challenging"
2008-03-15 Image Mirko Roccia, Applicando, "qualita audio eccellente di tutti i componenti;ingombri minimi"
2007-11-15 Image Brett Gideon, Tone Magazine. "...One of the nicest computer-based hi-fi systems I've yet encountered."
2007-10-12 Image "to use PC for better audio experience than going for individual Hi-fi music system"

Trends UD-10.1 Lite USB Audio Converter
2011-05-30 Image Christiaan Punter at “…. A very affordable USB-S/Pdif interface that doubles as DAC.”
2010-06-11 Image Christopher Lim at The Business Time! "…audibly smoothens music with harsh sibilant sounds, and adds a bit of bass and a touch of mid-range warmth”
2010-01-19 Image Joël Chevassus, “ an affordable way to feed your existing external DAC or the open digital input of your AV receiver directly from your Mac or PC…”
2009-09-15 Image Richard Austen, "the system sounds good, is relatively inexpensive, is highly portable, easily upgradeable "
2009-08-15 Image Matej Isak, "It is a big little man in world of quality audio reproduction!"
2009-07-15 Image Michele Surdi, "Trends Audio UD-10.1 Lite, David vs Goliath"
2009-05-15 Image Rolf Winter, image hifi Magazine "Ganz locker spielt etwa der kleine Lite mit Akkus besser, im Sinne von reichhaltiger, als der grobe Bruder ohne."
2008-11-18 Image Campbell Simpson, "a fantastic and well-priced device for turning your PC into a high-end sound station."
2008-11-16 Image Kevin Hung, "Trends Audio's UD-10.1 Lite Makes Music Sound Better"
2008-10-15 Image Nick Whetstone, " It's certainly one of the best, and most cost-effective ways to start experiencing PC audio! "

Trends TA-10 Class-T Power Amplifier
2011-03-04 Image Kqkijiki at “Best Buy.”
2010-10-02 Image Astor Ng, AVmagazine “…有良好音質, 低耗電, 但高放率的優點”
2009-11-15 Image Roger Kanno,, "new Trends components gave me hours of musical enjoyment and made reviewing them a pleasure."
2009-10-01 Image Nick Whetstone, in English "Moving the TA-10.2 to the main system in the larger listening room, I was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked it...."
2009-09-15 Image Ljubisa Miodragovic, Hi-Files Magazine "TA-10.2P je veoma interesantna sprava, otrov u maloj bočici, i zaslužuje svaku preporuku za početničke, pa i one bolje sisteme.."
2009-06-08 Image Florent GALLI, in France "Et bien, il est hors norme !. "
2009-06-08 Image Florent GALLI , in English "Well, awesome is probably the word to be used. "

Trends iPhone-Fi
2011-01-21 Image Audiogon Bill at “….. have been written up all over the planet, praising both sound-quality and build-quality.”
2010-07-02 Image Marc Philip at "…Le prix : 630$, c’est un second « Best buy 2010>>”
2010-07-02 Image Marc Philip at in English "…suggest to anyone with a modest budget who wants to buy a sound system of audiophile quality worthy of the name”
2010-05-14 Image Theo Tap Chí Nghe Nhìn at "" Trends TA-10.2…. The magic box "
2010-05-04 Image Andre Marc at "Trends TA-10.2 for iPod or iPhone...real sound staging, midrange clarity and jump factor"
2010-01-29 Image 音響專家Kan Keung, 《e-Zone 》 ““iPod 膽機聽得很Classic…Trends Audio PA-10膽細聲大”
2009-12-01 Image Steve Hui, Apple Daily Newspaper, "發燒音響, iPhone膽味濃…"

Trends UD-10 USB Audio Converter
2010-12-29 Image Marc Philip at in French “je dirais que ce produit excelle comme convertisseur USB interface à numérique.”
2010-12-29 Image Marc Philip at in English “I would say that this product excels as a USB interface to digital converter…”
2010-01-19 Image Joël Chevassus, “a small elegant and discrete device which enables you to use your PC as a high quality desktop station or drive your hifi system with a complete set of digital outputs…”
2009-06-15 Image John May, Music Lover "Trends is a genuine high-end performer and will provide years of listening pleasure "
2009-05-15 Image Rolf Winter, image hifi Magazine "Absolutes High End sind die beiden Knirpse zwar noch nicht, aber dafur unglaublich praktisch"
2009-05-02 Image Leo Yeh “小葉”, "想在 High End 主系統上聽到存在電腦裡的音樂,那麼 UD-10.1 的確是個便宜又大碗的選擇!"
2008-12-08 Image Martin H. Sabag , " נותן תמורה מצוינת לכסף לאילו מכם אשר מחפשים כרטיס קול איכותי ולא יקר למטרת שמיעת מוזיקה בסטראו Trends UD-10.1"
2008-11-19 Image Campbell Simpson, "With its extra, professional-level outputs the UD10.1 might be the AV accessory you've been searching for."
2008-11-09 Image Chris Connaker, "Computer Audiophile conclusion = Add To Cart."
2008-06-28 Image David Price, June 2008 Hi-Fi World "Trends Audio UD-10.1 a surprisingly mature hi-fi product,"
2008-01-15 Image Ghislain Prugnard, What Hi-Fi French Magazine. "meilleure qu'une carte audio integree. excellente passerelle entre un ordinateur et une chaine hi-fi, "
2007-12-15 Image Roger Kanno,, "...not just for the convenience, but for the better sound. The UD-10.1 is that good."
2007-11-28 Image Miodrag Vasic, HiFi Cafe, "i dvoboj PC V CD ostaje za neku drugu priliku."

Trends Upgrade
2010-12-02 Image Steven R. Rochlin at in English “Trends Combo One Hi-Fi System - Great Audiophile Gifts For 2010!”
2010-07-02 Image Marc Philip at "…Le prix : 630$, c’est un second « Best buy 2010>>”
2010-07-02 Image Marc Philip at in English "…suggest to anyone with a modest budget who wants to buy a sound system of audiophile quality worthy of the name”
2010-06-09 Image Andre Marc at "... I was certainly enjoying it.”
2010-05-24 Image Florent GALLI, in English “A trio to be recommended without any doubt… “
2010-05-24 Image Florent GALLI, in French “Un trio à recommander….”
2010-03-24 Image 音響專家劉達仁,《電腦廣場PC Market 》 “Trends Combo One小巧, 將發燒Hi-Fi設計, 融入掌上型機體”
2010-02-05 Image Rolf-inge Danielsen, Fidelity Hi-Fi Magazine in Norway “Trends som i tillegg til å være rimelige og kompakte også låter godt !”
2009-11-15 Image Roger Kanno,, "comprise a good-sounding, compact tube-and-solid-state amplification system"
2009-10-15 Image Nick Whetstone, in English "Power to the Trends micro system.."
2009-09-15 Image Ljubisa Miodragovic, Hi-Files Magazine "- Kvalitetna mehanička izrada (važi i za TA-10.2P)."

Trends UD-10.1 Lite USB Audio Converter
Image Christopher Lim at The Business Time! "…audibly smoothens music with harsh sibilant sounds, and adds a bit of bass and a touch of mid-range warmth”