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Hi-Fi Systems (Editors Review)

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2017-11-14 Image Dr. Richard Varey at witchdoctor.co.nz in New Zealand "..The Teeny Tiny Amps That Can Power A Tower!"
2012-07-31 Image Editor at 《AV Magazine》 "Trends Audio掀起細機熱...."
2012-07-31 Image Editor at 《AV Magazine》 "Trends Audio掀起細機熱...."
2012-06-01 Image Editor at 《AV Magazine》 “... 了解自已需要最緊要”
2012-05-02 Image 林樂騫, 《AV雙周 》 “Trends TS-10羽量級音響組合處處迎合用家需要的設計”
2012-04-05 Image John Chan at 《AV Magazine》 “…Trends Audio TS-10靚聲發燒小組合”
2012-03-09 Image Andre Marc at avrev.com “giant killer” speaker cables
2011-12-28 Image John Darko at digitalaudioreview.net.au in Austrailia "...this package system will still sound seriously forthright"
2011-05-13 Image Wojciech Pacula at High Fidelity Magazine in Poland “…. It is worth to listen to them, BUDOWA ”
2011-02-18 Image 音響專家小武,《AV Magazine 》 “….. 三合一Trends Combo One,…令整首歌的氣氛完全改變”
2010-12-02 Image Steven R. Rochlin at Enjoythemusic.com in English “Trends Combo One Hi-Fi System - Great Audiophile Gifts For 2010!”
2010-07-02 Image Marc Philip at magazine-audio.com "…Le prix : 630$, c’est un second <>”
2010-07-02 Image Marc Philip at magazine-audio.com in English "…suggest to anyone with a modest budget who wants to buy a sound system of audiophile quality worthy of the name”
2010-06-09 Image Andre Marc at avrev.com "... I was certainly enjoying it.”
2010-05-24 Image Florent GALLI, thresholdlovers.com in English “A trio to be recommended without any doubt… “
2010-05-24 Image Florent GALLI, thresholdlovers.com in French “Un trio à recommander….”
2010-03-24 Image 音響專家劉達仁,《電腦廣場PC Market 》 “Trends Combo One小巧, 將發燒Hi-Fi設計, 融入掌上型機體”
2010-02-05 Image Rolf-inge Danielsen, Fidelity Hi-Fi Magazine in Norway “Trends som i tillegg til å være rimelige og kompakte også låter godt !”
2009-11-15 Image Roger Kanno, GoodSound.com "comprise a good-sounding, compact tube-and-solid-state amplification system"
2009-10-15 Image Nick Whetstone, TNT-audio.com in English "Power to the Trends micro system.."
2009-09-15 Image Ljubisa Miodragovic, Hi-Files Magazine "- Kvalitetna mehanička izrada (važi i za TA-10.2P)."

Trends PW-10 PSU
Image Florent GALLI , thresholdlovers.com in French “Multiple AC, supporte tous les produits de TRENDS and voix excellentes”