Integrating new technologies with traditional wisdom and our innovative ideas to bring audiophiles and music lovers the outstanding Hi-Fi gears in affordable prices.
" much fun I had with their mini components and how easy they were to set up and enjoy. To their credit, Trends has loyal customers through out Asia, North America, and Europe, partly due to a slew of positive reviews and good customer service."
Andre Marc
“…their components have stood the test of time, and grown together to produce a system that is truly greater than the sum of its parts. I can recommend them highly”
Nick Whetstone
Our Visions
In the Hi-Fi field, some may like to play new technologies such as SACD, DVD-Audio, Blue-ray DVD, Home Theatre PC (HTPC), Class-D or Class-T amplifiers, etc. On the other side, some may like to play valve amplifiers, Class-A amplifiers and LP turntable. The worst is that it creates many unnecessary arguing between both sides in the cyberspace and other areas frequently.
We would like to breakdown the wall between the new technologies and traditional wisdom and integrating them to provide good Hi-Fi gear in affordable prices, of course, without the compromise of the sound quality. No matter what kind of technology, the one which can provide good sound in an optimized cost would be included in our consideration list.
Moreover, we hope our affordable Hi-Fi gears can attract more youngsters to join into the Hi-Fi field. Let more people be able to enjoy Hi-Fi quality gears and widen their music listening scopes.
Our Profile
ITOK Media Limited is a Hong Kong based company working in audio/video and multimedia production since 1998. Trends Audio is our newly established division and brand name in 2006 for R&D, manufacturing and selling our own Hi-Fi gears. In simple, it is best to describe us as an aggressive team of electronic engineers, audiophiles, DIYers and music lovers.
Contact Us
ITOK Media Limited (Trends Audio)
Unit E, 13/F, World Tech Centre 95 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong Map
+852 2304 0730 (9am-6pm, HKG Time)
+852 2566 5740
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