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PA-10 Tube Headphone/Pre amplifier

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Using Trends PA-10.1D Tube Headphone/Pre Amplifier connect with Two sets of Trends TA-10.2P Class-T Power Amplifier, Trends Bi-amp audio system achieves the sound quality of high-end HiFi but in a very affordable price.

For example:

Trends PA-10.1D SE Tube Headphone/Pre Amplifier x 1 US$299
TA-10.2P SE Class-T Power Amplifier(with 4A Power Adaptor) x 2 US$398
Trends QB-773 Audiophile audio cable x 2 US$50
Total amount: US$747

Or you can select Trends BA-10 Bi-amp Audio System

Video Display of Trends BA-10 Bi-amp Audio System.
Monoblock setup
Horizontal Bi-amp setup
Vertical Bi-amp setup

Horizontal Bi-amp Setup Vertical Bi-amp Setup

Monoblock Setup Monoblock setup with SA-10 Speakers


Trends TA-10 Class-T Stereo Amplifier
Image Audio Editor, STEREO & VIDEO at "Усилитель составит отличный тандем любой высокочувствительной акустике, но даже с АС средней чувствительности результат может превзойти ваши ожидания.."