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Trends Upgrade

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- Register at with your Serial Number and;
- Send your photo of old Trends TA-10 products to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or
- Contact our Authorized Trends Reseller or Trends Audio Sales or login to the Customer Area and order Trends Upgrade products

I. Trends TA-10 Upgrade to TA-10.2 SE Mini Class-T Stereo Amplifier W/ Power Cord - US$155 (Original Price: US$225)

Trends TA-10.2 SE Mini Class-T Stereo Amplifier provides up to 2x15W output with the bundled 4A AC power supply unit & ALPS volume pot. Thanks to the Tripath's proprietary Class-T Digital Power Processing (TM) technology and our special techniques in circuit design and component selection, Trends TA-10.2 SE achieves the sound quality of high-end Hi-Fi but in a very affordable price.

See the comparison between Trends TA-10 and Trends TA-10.2 SE

II.Trends TA-10 Upgrade to TA-10.2P SE Class-T Power Amplifier - US$149 (Original Price: US$199)

Applied proprietary techniques of the third generation of the highly acclaimed Class T-amp TA-10 Series into the circuit design and remove the volume pot to minimize distortion, Trends TA-10.2P Class-T power amplifier let you work with Trends PA-10 Tube Preamp or any pre-amplifiers to the Hi-Fi system at affordable price.

Besides used the top Tripath's TA2024 IC, Trends TA-10.2P SE Class-T power amplifier also put much effort and applied much proprietary techniques into components matching, sound tuning and even the case grounding and shielding.

III.TA-10 Upgrade to Combo One Hi-Fi System

As a Trends TA-10 Class-T Stereo Audio Amplifier user, you are honour to have an upgrade to our award-winning Hi-Fi systems with affordable price:

  • To set up a good-sounding, compact tube-and-solid-state amplification system.
  • To enjoy the pure class-A circuit to provide the best sound performance
  • To perform the warm, comfortable tube sound and in addition, guarantee the high fidelity & sufficient driving power to the next power amplifier stage.
  • To provide all functions of headphone amplifier to drive even high-impedance audiophile-grade headphones
  • To have the Transformer-based linear mode power supply to concurrently support THREE audio appliances: TA-10, PA-10 and UD-10 (can also apply to the future DAC DA-10).
  • To saves space, electricity, and best of all, sounds great.

Just simply configure your existing Trends TA-10 Class-T Stereo Audio as a pure power amp (no volume control function) by resetting the jumpers in J2(Refer to P6 in TA-10’s user manual) and connect this upgrade package, it is easy to set up our award-winning Trends Combo One Hi-Fi System. Sound quality this good is now available in a size and price that you can afford, and is no longer the exclusive domain of larger "audiophile" systems.

The Upgrade Package includes:
  • Trends PA-10 Tube Preamplifier x 1 pcs
  • Trends PW-10 Power Supply Unit x 1 pcs
  • Trends CQ-121 Audiophile Audio Cable (0.47M(1 pair) x 1 pcs.

  • There are two products for selections including:
    1. TA-10 Upgrade to Trends Combo 1 SE (incl. 6H23n Tube in 6DJ8/6922 series) - US$499 (Original Price US$639)
    2. TA-10 Upgrade to Trends Combo 1 GE (incl. 12AU7 GE Tube in 12AU7 series) - US$499 (Original Price US$639)

    - PA-10, PA-10 SE and PA-10 GE use the same body.

    - Individual AC adaptor for each product (i.e. TA-10 & PA-10) is not included in Combo package. All Combo Package use one power supply unit PW-10 only.

    Trends Audio / Video Cable
    Image AV Magazine “…伴奏和背景音樂表現喜出望外”