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Trends PW-10發燒變壓器電源,全機採用發燒級零件,買一套即可同時供電+12V, +5V及+24V三組音響設備. 想將Trends Audio的音響產品表現,推至最高的境界, Trends PW-10發燒變壓器電源是必然之選!
  • 使用變壓器(火牛)的線性電源.
  • 一個交流電源輸入可同時支持+12V, +5V及+24V三組音響器件: 例如: Trends TA-10, Trends PA-10和Trends UD-10.
  • 專門為音響設計的發燒級變壓器(火牛).
  • 針對性的線路設計及元件應用於各路電源輸出的應用特性, 完美配合不同的高頻, 大電流, 數字或模擬電路.
  • 使用超高速ON Semiconductor MUR420和MUR120 整流管提供最快速的電源整流反應.
  • 日本紅寶石(Rubycon)頂級MCZ系列和SANYO OS-CON固體電容應用於高頻數字電路, 日本化工(Nippon Chem.)的高級電容應用於模擬電路.
  • 使用高級的(National Semiconductor-NS)的LM-317A (比LM317更高精度)和LM1084線性電源穩壓管.
  • 加入了高質量EMI 雜訊濾波器以去除牆上插座從電網所引入的高頻雜訊
  • 可選購110V 或240V
  • CE認證



4A AC/DC Power Adaptor (Support TA-10):
It is a steady, regulated, 12V DC and 4A(48W) power supply with high current supply designed to power TA-10 device.

3A AC/DC Power Adaptor (Support TA-10):
It is a steady, regulated, 12V DC and 3A(36W) power supply with high current supply designed to power TA-10 device.

24V AC/DC Power Adaptor(Support PA-10):
This high quality 24V AC adaptor is useful for many applications and tailor-made for PA-10.

5V Battery Pack(Support UD-10):
This external power is for Trends UD-10 USB Audio Converter and it provides a better sound from the computer audio. It effectively isolated the serious interference from within the PC/Mac case. e.g. the high frequency data signals, the switching-mode power supply and the FAN motors, etc? Whether you have an existing external DAC or an AV receiver with an open digital input, the Trends Audio UD-10 with Battery Pack can bridge the gap between your computer and the rest of your system.

Trends Desktop Hi-Fi Systems
Image Editor, HIGH END 2009 in Germany "High end but not high priced audio products"