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Power Supply Unit

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Trends PW-10 Power Supply Unit(Support DC Power Output +5V, +12V and +24V):

Combined with a newly innovative circuit design and audiophile-grade parts, Trends PW-10 Power Supply Unit is the most comprehensive power supply unit package for supporting your audio appliances.

Trends PW-10 PSU :

Trends PW-10 PSU concurrently support THREE audio appliances: +12V, +5V and +24V:

Connection and Operation

WARNING ! Before plugging the Trends PW-10 PSU to the AC outlet, please check that your local supply voltage is 110V AC or 220V AC as they are NOT compatible.

We provide three cables (Red, Yellow and White) for connecting your different audio appliances including amplifier, pre-amplifier, DAC or other devices.

  • Ensure that the power supply’s ON/OFF switch is off and it is unplugged from the AC outlet.
  • Ensure that the connections are secure and tight.
  • Plug the power supply into the AC outlet.
  • Press the ON/Off switch of the power supply to ON and observe that the neon indicator in the switch illuminates.
  • If the indicator fails to light, recheck the connection and AC outlet.
  • Ensure that TA connects with the audio appliances (DC +12V, 3.3A). i.e.Trends TA-10 Class T-amp series.
  • Ensure that DA/UD connects with the audio appliances(DC +5V, 200mA). i.e.Trends UD-10 USB Audio Converter series.
  • Ensure that PA connects with the audio appliances(DC +24V, 420mA). i.e. Trends PA-10 Tube Headphone/Pre-amp series.
  • Turn on TA and observe that the “Green” indicator, and then switch on the audio appliances (DC +12V, 3.3A)
  • Turn on DA/UD and observe that the “Green” indicator, and then switch on the audio appliances (DC +5V, 200mA)
  • Turn on PA and observe that the “Green” indicator, and then switch on the audio appliances(DC +24V, 420mA).

12V AC/DC Dual Power Adaptor (7A & Support BA Series):
This 12V AC/DC Power Adaptor with 7A is bundled in Trends BA-10 Bi-amp Audio System for supporting two TA-10.2P Class-T Power Amplifier (or two Trends TA-10 Class-T Stereo Audio Amplifier). It is the best choice if you want to setup Monoblock or Bi-amp Audio System with Trends TA-10 amplifiers.

12V AC/DC Power Adaptor (4A & Support TA Series):
This 12V AC/DC Power Adaptor with 4A is bundled in Trends TA-10.2 SE version for better sonic performance. It works with all TA-10 Series amplifier.

12V AC/DC Power Adaptor (3A & Support TA-Series):
This 12V AC/DC Power Adaptor with 3A is bundled in Trends TA-10 Standard version for continuous power supply. It works with all TA-10 Series amplifier.

24V AC/DC Power Adaptor(Support PA-10):
This 24V AC/DC Power Adaptor is bundled in Trends PA-10 Series Tube Headphone/Preamp for continuous power supply.

5V Battery Pack(Support UD-10):
It is an optional external power for Trends UD-10.1 USB Audio Converter and is highly recommended for the best sound quality giving the music a more spacious and airy presentation. It works with all UD-10 Series USB Audio Converter

Trends Audio / Video Cable
Image AV Magazine “... 性價比相當高,絕對是不容錯失的”.