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Trends Online Partner

[Introduction] [Set up] [Q&A] [Agreement]


Trends Online Partner Agreement

This Agreement contains the complete terms and conditions that apply to a Company or an individual's participation in the Trends Online Partner (the "Program"). As used in this Agreement, "we" means ITOK Media Ltd., and "you" means the applicant. "Site" means a World Wide Web site and, depending on the context, refers either to Trends Audio's site or to the site that you will link to our site.

1. Enrollment in the Program

You will submit a complete Program application via our site. It takes 2 – 3 working days for application review. We may reject your application if we determine (in our sole discretion) that your site is unsuitable for the Program. Unsuitable sites include those that:

- promote violence.
- promote discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age.
- promote illegal activities.
- violate intellectual property rights.

If we reject your application, you are welcome to reapply to the Program at any time once you update your sites.

2. Links on Your Site

Products List:

You have the option to link to as many products as you wish that are listed on your site. You will be responsible for the content, style, and placement of these references. You will provide a special link from each product reference on your site to the corresponding Trends Audio online catalog entry.

3. Order Processing

Once the customer completes and order generated from a link on your site. Trends Audio will be considered a customer of Trends Audio. We will handle the entire order process. This includes order processing, payment retrieval, order shipping, customer service and warranty. We reserve the right to refuse any order that does not meet the requirements of Trends Audio's order rules and regulations. To permit accurate tracking, reporting, and commission fee accrual, you must ensure that the special links between your site and our site are properly formatted.

4. Commission Fees

We will pay you commission fees on all product sales from your site sales from customers referred. For a product sale to generate a commission fee, the customer must follow a special link from your site to Buyoyo.com's Paypal Checkout; purchase the product using our automated ordering system; accept delivery of the product at the shipping destination; and remit full payment to us. We will not, however, pay commission fees on any products that are added to a customer's Shopping Cart after the customer has reentered the site (other than through a special link from your site) , even if the customer previously followed a link from your site to our site. We also do not pay commission fees to products added to an order via our Order Status features. The Program is intended for commercial use only, and you may not purchase products through the Program for your own use. Such purchases may result (in our sole discretion) in the withholding of referral fees or the termination of this Agreement.

5. Fee Schedule

You will earn commissions fees based on the sale price, according to fee schedules to be established by us. "Sale price" means the sale price listed in our Products list and costs for shipping and handling. The commission will directly pay to your Paypal Account on or before 10th day of each month

6. Applicable Law

The validity and interpretation of this Agreement shall be governed in all respects by the laws of Hong Kong and the parties shall submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong in the even of dispute.