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PA-10 Tube Headphone/Pre amplifier

[Description] [Features] [Specifications] [Reviews] [Bi-amp] [Bias Setup] [Download] [Comparison] [Gallery] [Video] [FAQ] [Buy Now]


PA-10/PA-10.1D Tube Headphone/Preamp (User Guide) [download]
PA-10 Tube Headphone/Pre Amplifier (User Guide) [download]
PA-10 Tube Headphone/Pre Amplifier (product sheet) [download]
PA-10 Tube Headphone/Pre Amplifier (Technical Notes) [download]
PA-10 Tube Headphone/Pre Amplifier (Russian Tube 6N23n data sheet) [download]
PA-10 Tube Headphone/Pre Amplifier (screen shots part I) [download]
PA-10 Tube Headphone/Pre Amplifier (screen shots part II) [download]
PA-10 Tube Headphone/Pre Amplifier (Back View screen shots) [download]
PA-10 Tube Headphone/Pre Amplifier(product sheet 2011) [download]
PA-10.1D Tube Headphone/Preamp(product sheet 2012) [download]
PA-10.1D Tube Headphone/Pre Amplifier(Screen Shots) [download]
PA-10.1D Tube Headphone/Pre Amplifier(Screen Shots 2) [download]
Trends Bi-amp Solution Guide [download]

Trends Hi-Fi Systems
Image Nick Whetstone, in English "Power to the Trends micro system.."